Simmons, Hunter - Class: 2018

South Chesterfield, VA
Field Goal Kick-Off Punt FG Bomber Punt Snap FG Snap
Power List Rank N/A N/A N/A N/A 2 1
High Score N/A N/A N/A N/A 90.23 117.5
Height Weight GPA SAT Hudl Other Links School
5' 10" 220 3.8 View Matoaca High

Notes: Hunter has excellent control on his long snaps, very consistently hitting his target (FG and P) with good velocity. His form and technique are strong, and his build suits him well to work on the special teams line and make tackles downfield on punts. Hunter will be a very good, long-term asset for a college program. ---AKI Power List scoring key--- . **FIELD GOAL: 10/10 from 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **KICK OFF: 60 yards w/ 4.0” hang time = 100.0 . **PUNT: 50 yards w/ 5.0” hang time = 100.0 . **FG BOMBER: 6/6 from 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **PUNT LONG SNAP: hit 8 point target (10 pt. max) w/ 0.8” time = 100.0 . **FIELD GOAL LONG SNAP: hit 8 point (10 pt. max) w/ 0.25” time = 96.0 .

Previous AKI Events: Showcases: Spring 2017 Virginia Beach