Lowe, Kyle - Class: 2020

Midlothian, VA
Field Goal Kick-Off Punt FG Bomber Punt Snap FG Snap
Power List Rank 11 16 14 4 N/A N/A
High Score 25.9 66.68 56.88 12.7 N/A N/A
Height Weight GPA SAT Hudl Other Links School
5' 10" 141 3.9 View Cosby High

Notes: Kyle has the benefit of having started his kicking career at a very young age, therefore granting him a greater understanding of the skills and techniques required to be successful for a player his age. His physique has caught up to his early cerebral growth, which is resulting in much greater range and power for Kyle. Expectations are that Kyle will continue to add power to his already-strong consistency and confidence. His even demeanor translates to his being dependable in any game situation. ---AKI Power List scoring key--- . **FIELD GOAL: 10/10 from 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **KICK OFF: 60 yards w/ 4.0” hang time = 100.0 . **PUNT: 50 yards w/ 5.0” hang time = 100.0 . **FG BOMBER: 6/6 from 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **PUNT LONG SNAP: hit 8 point target (10 pt. max) w/ 0.8” time = 100.0 . **FIELD GOAL LONG SNAP: hit 8 point (10 pt. max) w/ 0.25” time = 96.0 .

Previous AKI Events: Skills Camps: 2015, 2016 Virginia Beach; 2015 Richmond; 2016 Goochland
Showcases: Spring 2017 Virginia Beach

Honors: National Junior Honor Society