Walls, Noah - Class: 2021

Richmond, VA
Field Goal Kick-Off Punt FG Bomber Punt Snap FG Snap
Power List Rank 10 12 12 4 N/A N/A
High Score 27.1 82.6 60.6 12.7 N/A N/A
Height Weight GPA SAT Hudl Other Links School
6' 195 2.25 Monacan High

Notes: Very coachable. Made strong improvements in technique and results during two-day Skills Camp. Ahead of the curve for his age group in size, form, and consistency. Expectations are for a season with very good contributions. ---AKI Power List scoring key--- . **FIELD GOAL: 10/10 from 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **KICK OFF: 60 yards w/ 4.0” hang time = 100.0 . **PUNT: 50 yards w/ 5.0” hang time = 100.0 . **FG BOMBER: 6/6 from 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65 = 100.0 . **PUNT LONG SNAP: hit 8 point target (10 pt. max) w/ 0.8” time = 100.0 . **FIELD GOAL LONG SNAP: hit 8 point (10 pt. max) w/ 0.25” time = 96.0 .

Previous AKI Events: Summer Skills Camp: 2017, 2018 Goochland.